Your child will be the undoing of Camelot. 

Born under an ominous prophecy, you are the incestuous bastard of King Arthur and Morgana Le Fay. Will you fulfill the prophecy, or rebel?

Be the villain they expect you to be, or the hero they don’t- be remorseful or unapologetic, make your destiny or be Morgana’s tool of revenge.

Arthur can’t have any more children, making you the sole Pendragon's blood heir. As a Pendragon, you have the power of dragons. It's the only dragon blood line out of four that has survived, bloodlines that started as a way to create peace between humans and dragons by allowing the former to speak and understand their language, communicate telephatically, summon fire and grow a scale armor.

The Bastard of Camelot is a series of text-based interactive fiction inspired by Arthurian Legends, following Mordred as they become a Knight of the Round Table, and shape the fate of Camelot.

The game focuses on relationships and is character driven.

Note: The game is a work in progress; the current, public demo you can access here contains the prologue and four complete chapters.

Content Warning

The protagonist is a child of incest, and the story deals with the topics of incest, rape and abuse.


  • Choose Mordred’s gender: choose their sex assigned at birth, with the freedom to explore their gender identity as they grow up
  • This time, it's up to you how Mordred's story goes: be a villain, a hero or reluctantly caught up in the fate of a kingdom
  • 7 romances
  • Have a dragon companion, your closest friend

Romance options:

  • Gawain Alistair - Sir Kay’s son. He has brown messy hair and matching eyes, warm beige complexion. He's cheerful, talkative and kind, with a penchant for trouble. Knight of the Round Table and bard. A year older than Mordred.
  • Elaine Beauregard - the youngest child of the Duke of Astolat, your brother’s ex-betrothed turned knight. Wavy golden blonde hair, brown eyes and rosy beige complexion. Brave, stubborn and adventurous, Elaine is determined to become a Knight of the Round Table. A year older than Mordred.
  • Galahad du Lac - Sir Lancelot’s son. Blonde hair, violet gray eyes and a tanned complexion. Aloof and guarded, he's fiercely protective of the people he cares about, with a gentler side peeking through. He's trying to live up to the expectations of everyone, as the son and squire of the Champion Knight. He hates you. Two years older than Mordred.
  • Nimue Wyllt - Merlin’s daughter and apprentice. Straight brown hair, green eyes, golden brown complexion. Mysterious, devious and composed, she's a powerful sorceress. It’s hard to tell how much you can trust her, and she keeps her emotions close to her chest. Three years older than Mordred.
  • Isac Meier - the Rebel Queen's son. Curly black hair, blue eyes, ivory complexion. Easygoing, brazen and reckless, he's loyal to the rebels' cause. Still, that doesn’t stop him from being friendly - and even possibly more than that - with Mordred. Four years older than Mordred.
  • Sophie Ezzo - the heir of the neighboring kindgom. Tight, corkscrew curls in shades of dark brown, amber eyes and dark, warm brown complexion. Clever, determined and affable, Sophie wishes to take the throne and better her kingdom, but the Council of Nobles prefer her carefree twin. Same age as Mordred. 
  • Agravain Rivlin - gender selectable. Knight of the Round Table and bastard of a noble. Black hair, black eyes, russet brown complexion. They want to prove themselves and spite their abusers by becoming a powerful knight, but their desire for success is underlined by a thirst for revenge. Sweet and keen but turns brash to hide vulnerability. A year younger than Mordred.

If you enjoy my work and would like to support me while also getting extra content, you can do so on my Patreon:

Extra content includes: early access, weekly development blogs, monthly short stories and mini-games with shifted POVs!

If you enjoy my work and you're feeling generous, please consider buying me a kofi. You can also get early access to the demo, weekly development blogs and a monthly short story if you become a member!

Updated 17 hours ago
StatusIn development
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(1,119 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
Tagsarthurian, Dragons, drama, Fantasy, Magic, Queer, Romance

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Does anybody know why can’t I use my latest save to continue the game? 


Does anyone know when this demo version will get an update?? I LOVE THIS GAMEEEEEEEEE 0v0 



Love games like these

This is such a great game and I had so much fun playing it. I love Gawain, he's such a Freindly character, but all the other characters are so good too, it's hard to choose. The plot is great and I can't wait for it to be updated.


I am curious about the differences between romance options and oblivious ones, will they influence the ends?

(1 edit)

Is there a download somewhere for this game? o_O

My laptop is haunted by a fire fox that refuse to allow me to play it on his browser. >_>

The occurrence of this is random, but clearly your game is forbidden as per the fire fox's error message. 

Which sucks, cuz it sounded really interesting.

(I -do- love having the chance to play a villain. ^_^ )

Use your phone :)!


Yeees.... my dying 10-year-old phone that frequently runs out of storagespace and shuts off at random because the battery is half-dead, and I can't move stuff from it to my pc without having 3 hands to force the connection.....

I somehow doubt it's going to stay alive long enough to play a full game.
And I can't really fit a single extra app on it.

Maybe when I get a new one. Someday. Maybe.

Sadly that doesn't help right now.


LOL I hope you get a new one then!!

That's odd. I use firefox and have no issues. o.o


That's why I say my laptop is haunted. lol

I've tried a lot of things people suggest, and nothing works.
(And many things just fuck up everything. But that could be my complete lack of tech skills.)

if you have the app for your computer, you should be able to download it there. 


I literally have no clue what this app is, or how to make apps work on the laptop. (Or how and where to get it.)
Never tried before.


omfg i love this soo much. tbh its written so well and all the emotions and concepts are developed intricately aaa i neeed more hahaha no pressure but omg the end of the demo was abrupt lols

i mean i lowkey cried a few times on the familial topics as alwayys


I 100% am INLOVE with this. I agree with the other comment about needing ao3 to be littered with fanfics of this choice game 🔥💝 I am so INVESTED I check every 2 weeks for a update. I'll be here waiting 🔥


I need this as a novel, I need ao3 to be littered with fanfiction of this, this has gone full hyperfixation for me its so well written, the choices are so thoughtfully arranged and it feels like you make real relationships with the characters. If I was to ask anything more of the game, I might wish the stats were a bit more interesting to read, having them update with ur reflective choices like "You love your mother, but you won't fight unless pushed to" just something that keeps the stats fluid with each chapter but its literally so secondary to my enjoyment of this IF and has me reading The Once And Future King for the 900th time.


It's almost annoying how invested in this game I became- the end of the demo hit me like a truck...! In the meantime I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for further progress- so good...!


I don’t think the end of a demo has ever hit me so hard… This has to be one of my favorite IFs around, the character writing is top notch. I’m especially really curious on Merlin, on seeing if he’s really everything Morgana set him up to be, since so far every character has had so much nuance written in (maybe not Lot) that I’ve been giving him the benefit of the doubt from the start.


i NEED to cause disruption in the court by becoming elaines lover NOW



I will never stop thinking about this game. I love it so so much, and it allows me to be as angsty as anything. I legit have two different saves just for one to hurt as much as possible, and the other to be a lovely balm to it. It's great.


I do love this story. Is there a discord for this? I'd love to talk BoC with more people lol


I turn up every few months to look for new updates, that's how much I enjoy this game. This is honestly the best WIP IFs I've seen. It's great!


i love this story so much i was kinda waiting for Isac for my RO but im patient with Gally as my alternative! keep it up!

omg same! glad to see that there's someone else who thinks the same


This is one of the best WIP IFs I have played thus far and it super scratches the itch I have for "hostile decadent royal court simulator" that's plagued me in recent times. I love how complex the characters are, particularly the parents, and I love how much we're given free rein to shape Mordred's personality.

I myself played him as an emotional, teary-eyed wreck who's nonetheless unfailingly sweet and genuinely kind whenever he can, but is nursing a festering resentment that is aggravated by both Morgana's words and his mistreatment at the hands of the court and Lot. He's also desperate for affection and falls in love way too easily with literally anyone who will give it to him. And I am so happy this IF allows me to play a character just as complex as the ones around him.

The writing was superb barring some spelling mistakes, and every character felt human - even the dragons. I did set my dragon as being fearsome and vicious (towards those who are not Mordred) and didn't feel like I saw enough of that, but I understand if that's impractical for the story. They're precious anyway.

Thank you for your hard work and I can't wait to see the rest of the (maybe ill-fated thanks to my actions) wedding!


I love this story, really I do. But the stats are just so confusing. I don't remember descriptive sentences, so I have literally no idea when my stats have grown, except for thinking 'Ok, I PROBABLY hit an option that increased them'. And it also leaves, like, absolutely zero way to know how much I have grown. If I 'have a good grasp of my magic', what does that even mean in terms of where I starts? Am I a little bit better? Am I vastly better? I have no actual idea.
I just wish there was an option to view a percentage or view based menu for the stats in addition to the normal one.

(1 edit) (+6)(-1)

So far, I really can't bring myself to like Morgana (As a person, I mean, not how she's written. She's written beautifully❤️).

I do think her hatred towards Uther and Camelot is completely justified, but she still ultimately chose to violate Arthur and bring an incestual child into the world, knowing that they would suffer. I felt my heart twist when Mordred and Morgana's relationship became strained but at the same time I can't in my right mind side with her even if I sympathize with her.

Really loving the story!


SAME! Having my Mordred feel like a tool for revenge but reveling in their purpose before having their view shattered when they make (gasp) more friends as an adult

Lmao that's exactly what my Mordred did!!

Meanwhile playing the game a solely vengeful Mordred breaks my heart. I feel so awful for being mean to Arthur, but at the same time I morbidly love the way that Morgana feeding a vengeful Mordred's hate ironically mirrors how Morgana claims that Merlin is manipulating and deceiving Arthur. 

God it's so well-written, I love it.


I mean personally,i get your point however well i can see also see how Morgana might have also hold Arthur accountable (which i feel he is in a minor way) as he knowingly accepted the only place of power that could have granted Morgana to take back all that was her,but indeed the action she took to counter that was ultimately a vile with no justification..the same one done to her mother but it was one done by a person broken by injustices done to her..and at that point,i don't think she was thinking from her moral compess but utter desperation and extreme grief even a bit of insanity,in a messed up it is hard not to sympathise with her going to such extreme measures,as she was a child who not only lost her parents but witnessed destruction of all she hold dear


Umm,just out of curiosity is there any news on update of either the patreon or public version of the game?! So far it's been some while and there hasn't been a new update on either..soo yea!? Plus i was wondering is there any set time-limit or dates to these updates or are they random? If so that seems a slightly confusing and inconsistent no offense but i guess that's alright it's a masterpiece of work nonetheless.

There is a patreon version that was updated 24 days ago

Yup Ik although it was pretty small,it ended with niume using tarot cards on Modred


The author primarily updates her private patreon demo  frequently, and really only updates the public demo once she has about a chapter done. 


This is so amazing and interesting story. I hope author is alright, because it's been a long time since the last update. May i ask a questions of how many chapters will be in the book one, and when expect new updates? 

(1 edit) (+1)

The author is regularly posting on their Patreon (and replied to couple of posts here just a day earlier) so yeah, they're alright. It's just the public version of the demo has pretty low priority, so it doesn't get updated very often.


Such an amazing told story! :) I always hate the part of the day where I cant play in between...
Are you locked out of other romance options if you go for Gawain in chapter 3?


Thank you! ❤ And to answer your question, no. You can go for Gawain in chapter 3 (and 4, and 5), and break up later (on good terms or not) and pursue other ROs.


Thank you so much! I already dread the end of the Demo! But I know I can look forward to a full release ! <3


10/10 such an amazing game! I can't get enough of it. I hope all is well with you and can't wait to for updates! 


I'm hooked! I really love the story, and all the characters in it. I'll be eagerly awaiting for future chapters to come! <3

(2 edits) (+4)

Absolutely love the story

When this game is fully released is it planned on being free or paid? It might say somewhere but cant seem to find it, but if anyone knows I would quite like to know. Also if it would still be playable in browser without need of downloading.


Thank you! ❤ The fully released game will be paid (tho I don't have a price in mind yet, it's something I'll work out once it's done). My plan is to have it available both in browser and for download.


This game  was an excellent choice for the New Year. I'm looking forward to what's coming next! <3


Wait how to you find the actual game? Like full thing, not just the demo


it isn't out yet! llamagirl is still writing boc, and will update the demo until chapter seven i believe? and then she'll upload the full first version of boc to patreon before releasing the full game on itch. 

As someone who doesn't really know where to look for all this info knowing that it'll be updated til ch7 is awesome news for me! Honestly I'm so excited to see what happens and Thanks for writing your post? Comment? (Idk how to call it) But thank you for the information 


accidentally named my dragon almost the exact same thing as Arthur's, lol

(1 edit) (+3)

Don't know if this is something the Devs would consider adding but it would be nice to have an option for Mordred to have permanent draconic features ranging from Draconic Eyes, Partial Scales, Fangs, Tail, Talons and Wings. And you could either have only a few or all of them. Could be used as a sign for certain Dragon Riders as a way to showcase their deep connection with Dragons while people of the Pendragon bloodlines or whose bloodlines are strong enough to have more features. They could also make it where they are able to hide certain features if they want to for whatever reasons though if it was me, I wouldn't hide any of them.


only problem with that is that we being Arthur’s child and a few other things are supposed to be secret. Adding those features would be cool but a bit contradictory.  After reaching a certain point maybe. 

(2 edits)

I suppose maybe instead of permanent features it could be enhancements like the scales that you can choose to get if you get on good enough terms with the dragons and SPOILER 

the mages who helped create the Dragon Bloods in the first place.



I wonder if Gareth will find lady Lynette


It's been so long since I've read an interactive story where I got genuinely super invested in everything happening, this is amazing so far!
Hell, it's so good that I'm leaving a comment on for the first time ever! I can't wait to see what's next.

(Also, I'm reaaaaally hoping we get the option to kill Lot one day)




Good route, I'm doing Nimue just because I want to see Merlin's head explode as spectacularly as possible.

Evil route, I've got no idea yet, since I'm limited to the demo, but probably Agravain once they show up

Galahad, getting revenge on his "how to be a cold alpha in 10 steps" ass






I decided to give him (ONE) chance, glad I did.


is it bad that i named my dragon gecko


no because now I want to name mine "gecko"


hope everything is going well?


Yes! Thanks for asking. Progress is steady but slow. I had a couple bad months (health-wise) , but now I'm feeling better. There isn't enough content yet for a public update, but I've been postig little updates to the demo on Patreon and ko-fi. I've been working on rewriting and expanding on the content featuring  the dragon companion, and once I'm done with all of it there will be a public update, however I cannot give you an estimate as to when that would be yet.


Best of luck.


I truly hope things continue to get better for you - take care of yourself!! 

Thank you for all the work you put in 


This is absolutely amazing 😭🫶 I need more!! I like how there's various different choices to shape Mordred's character and her relationship with others. I'm looking forward to actually meeting Isac, I think he's gonna be the RO I would choose. Can't wait for the update 😍

(1 edit) (+1)

Absolutely phenomenal, created an account just to follow this so that I can continue when it updates.

I also may or may not make a second run-through where I'm as much of a piece of **** to everyone as I possibly can.


Does anyone have any news on the author? Last I heard she was suffering from a health problem on her hands, I wonder if they're ok.


I love love love how much the interactions are affected by your past choices! You really get to shape your own character and the story responds in a way that feels natural

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