Demo and developtment update

Hello folks! I'm back with good news!

First off, let me get the development update out of the way. These past months writing has been difficult due to health issues regarding my hands, but I've still managed to get some work done and make progress on the demo. The updates have been Patreon/Kofi exclusive so far (since they have early access perks) and I've been waiting for content to build up for a public release. Now, I finally bring you something to sink your teeth in!

I also wanted to let you know that I've read the feedback you left me and I've taken it all into consideration. I have made plans for changes, some major, some minor, but I've yet to implement them. Here's a list of them:

-I've received feedback that chapter 4 feels slow, overly-descriptive and filled with scenes of tasks and chores; looking back on it, I do admit I've gone overboard with these things. I'll be cutting down on superfluous bits, altogether removing some scenes or changing them into something more interesting and relevant.

-Also regarding chapter 4, as well as 5: I' quite a lot, and it slows the pace. I'll be going over the game and try to spread out information better, or withhold it till later.

-Guinevere will be introduced earlier, in chapter 3. Really excited about this change :)

-Instead of having one main trait for Mordred's dragon friend to choose from in chapter 2, the option will be between four archtypes. These will allow me to better flesh out the character (I've found the current system restrictive and one-note). I'll elaborate more on these new choices when they're added (which I've started to work on) but know that they incorporate the existent personality traits. This change will also come with not just edited, but entirely new scenes featuring the draconic companion.

-Adding an alternative route to showing Elaine around in chapter 5, so Mordreds not interested in her can still do something fun

Alright, now let's talk demo update!

What's new?

-More of chapter 5 (it's a big one)

-Greet the wedding guests. Reunite with Nimue and catch up, meet Merlin for the first time

-Talk to, insult, or ignore Galahad

-Get on the dancefloor! (with a RO or friend of choice!)

-Edits made: some bits of Nimue's conversation in chapter 1 have been reworked and a new dialogue option has been added, a couple of edits done to Morgana's first POV in chapter 3


BOC Play in browser
Aug 10, 2024


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Hey there! an update! nice to hear from you! this work is amazing and i'm really glad it's progressing!

Love that Talk-Insult-Ignore is Galahad's main schtick, really a funny staple of the story so far!

I personally didn't find it so overly descriptive  and felt it added a bit to a feeling of immersion, sometimes it's the little things that really sink you into a story!


So many IF pieces I enjoyed seemed to be abandoned, and it breaks my heart.

I am superbly glad this is not one of those cases. I thank you for your work, and wish you good health.

I have health problems too; ur amazing for pushing through and writing!

Hey, I love this novel, and I really hope you can get better soon!

Pd: Have you already thought about how introduce Agravain? I´m really curious about that specific knight :,,



So happy that a update came!!!

Thankkk you authooor! I really love this story 😍😍😘😘


my happiness is immeasurable and my day is made


Hi Llama, please take care of yourself! 
Me and countless others absolutely adore what you're doing here and what you're kindly sharing with us. 
But even if you had to discontinue this IF I would still be very grateful for what we were able to see of this amazing universe :)
Thank you!


Take as much rest as you need for your health, but I'm so glad that this story is still being worked on!!


woohoo, thanks for the update! this is one of my fave IFs, and it's great to see more of it :) take care, and hope your health improves!


Yay! Glad to have more. Sounds like I might replay the story from the beginning again with all the edits and changes. I do hope your hands are doing ok. Love the work that you do with this story.

YIPPIE!!!! I'm really glad that you posted, and I'm sure it's gonna be just as -IMPECCABLE- as all the chapters before! I really hope you've been feeling better, and will continue you get better <3 we love you author!!!!


NIMUE!! my lesbian ass is so excited for some screentime with her


So excited for the update! Thank you for the update and I hope your health improves! ❤️


Thank you for the update! You are a truly talented writer and I am thoroughly enjoying this story, have played through many times already! Take care of your health and keep up the good work! ❤️


ive been waiting for quite some time for the update on this game also take care of your hands we cant let it escalate into something worrisome good luck and good health dev.


Im so excited for chapter 5 yall cant even imagine🙏🙏