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love this can't wait for the next update!!


I love this so much omg, thank youuu😭


I really hope to see a love triangle between these two inseparable friends 🤭.... and maybe jealousy included 🫣


Aha i want this too! <3

I concur.




Glad things are finally out in the open. Would like an option that’s not “I wonder if the love is conditional” and more “this is not love.”




Every time a new update lets me add a new hobby I giggle. Thank you for letting me live out my fantasy of being able to pursue all the arts. From the bits I've picked up following various writers it would have been easier to give us one point where we can choose an art or hobby, but you gave us so many points where we can  pick up arts and you tied it into relationships. It contributes to the story and we have so many options and I am so, so grateful that you decided to do it this way. I love getting to play a character who has the resources to just pursue whatever arts catch their attention. It is such a nice change from a lifetime of having to worry about whether a hobby is affordable.

Also, dragon friends are the best friends. Brilliant addition to the world, Elewen and Mordred's own darling bring so much joy. I love that despite all the troubles Mordred has at least one friend to trust.  And Callum is simply adorable. The dragon teacher is lovely and seems very good at their job. I love that they take off-topic questions seriously. 

Thank you for creating this, for taking the time and energy to share it with us. I look forward to seeing how this piece of art grows.


I've been at least weekly checking out for updates. Your writing is really captivating, I couldn't help myself but read everything from beginning to end on a same day. Keep it up!

(2 edits) (+8)

I can't believe how many times I cried while reading chapter 4, you have done it again, and no I'm not fine.

One of my favourite text based game of all time. I first saw the words "book one" while playing this update and my heart can't take 10 years to wait for a multi book series to be completed so pls send help.

You're amazing and keep up the good work!!!


Great update! I enjoyed it alot.

when I got to the choice of who to play ring toss with all of the choices ended up being junia?

(2 edits)

Sounds like a bug! Edit: Code looked fine initially but someone else also pointed out the issue, will get it fixed soon.

sorry, its still broken 


I love this story and want to read more. I forget to check the relationships  until chapter 4 and saw that Gawain and Galahad's descriptions were missing. Also for Mordred's creative outlet or passion could dancing be included.


Guhhhh, I love this so much. I am determined to melt Galahad's heart, get close to Arthur, and shun Morgana- my three life goals


Count me in ✨


Dude, same.


just finished chapter 4...THE PAIN WAS UNBEARABLE! the scene with Morgana and Junia had me with my jaw open. like, MORGANA HOW COULD YOUU?? *sob* the betrayal I felt was unreal... such a good chapter but lord, my eyes are overflowing

i don't know if i'm the only one having this problem but when i get to the part where it's a week before Mordred's birthday i'm not able to continue, like there isn't a next button or anything to move the story along so i'm stuck.

Is it letting you get past that yet

Or is it the end of the update

It's not; the end of the demo is always marked clearly so people know whether text cutting of is normal or a bug. 

Are you playing with an old save perhaps? Just to get that possibility out of the way. Additionally: were Arthur and Gawain invited to the birthday?

I figured it out i had to create a new save, thanks


Is the child gonna ask Arthur's wife to adopt him °^°


What an amazing update. Absolutely gut punching story telling. I'm glad we are acknowledging just how messed up Morgana's actions are, but there is definitely some grey area in how mentally unstable she must have been after the trauma of Uther's war. Really wish I could have lit Lot on fire though...


I love the story so far! I noticed I can't change the character's name though, is that on purpose?


Yiieee an update! Thanks author, love love yah 🥰


What was the latest update for


Just cleaning up the description a bit; whenever there's an important demo update there'll be a development log for it.


Aaaah! Enjoyed reading this. Looking forward to future updates. I really love my route with Gallahad.

(1 edit) (+5)

Holy shite that was sooo freaking good and i cant bealive that that was only 3 chapter that- that had to be atleast 6+ chapters it was so long and so freaking good. Beautifull game cant wait to see the next chapters!


This is so cute :) I'm still at the stage where I'm a kid who has to decide what to wear and Morgana saying "I'll support whatever choice you make" was just so wholesome :):):)




what are with those two disastrous comments ...anyway 
Commenting for the author or any new people that are coming in but want to read the comments first

PLAY THIS IF ITS GOOD the love and dedication thats been put into this story is clearly shown through the writing and choices


Those are something that needn't be said, especially when they are reading the author's hours of work for free lol.


That one dude and his "U guys are twitter warriors 🥺" when called out for hating the fact that gay, non-binary, and black choices exist is being called out rn

(1 edit) (+2)(-32)

I apologize in advance--I haven't had the chance to play this thoroughly yet, only beginning portions. The fact that the main character's name is set in stone was off-putting for me. The character customization is so intensive where I can't entirely imagine why we would not be allowed to change our name, or at least a nickname or a name we prefer to go by. The writing is fantastic and the choices are pretty thorough, so this would be the primary thing to break immersion for me.

(5 edits) (+3)(-64)

What a good text game)

Probably one of the best on itch io besides some visual novels.

Have interesting question to author - Are you watched anime Naruto?Because one kind of interaction with characters through all 3 chapters is clearly Naruto path 😁

Must admit game have really big number of choice variations , probably TOO BIG.I understand everything but choices like to change Morgana skin colour up to black, making protagonist non-binary, gay and etc is awful in context of Medieval Europe,  specifically England.

Thinking "nah, everything will be fine" is like putting quadruple set of pink glasses.

Usual fantasy films , books, etc puts on Medieval time pink glasses, but that's just for entertaining reasons - i'm sure most of readers/watchers don't want to see all horrors of this certainly dark ages.

Plus it's unrealistic, if looking for education of nobles and even others , by their ancestors.

Cases happened(mostly gay) but quite rarely and often that had a bad end.But even see someone with black skin or acting like a girl (for boys*) was ridiculous. 

If Morgana was black we can certainly delete this story much much earlier than Mordred was birthed.

Want to remind, i'm not against this - specifically for me no difference who has some different colour or sexuality or orientation.Human is still human, no less, no more.But we have here a fucking Medieval Ages.

*As i remember opposite for girls was considered as strange, maybe really strange but certainly not bad in begginning. Still this was up to circumstances.

P.S. If story recieves later some option literally named "Fuck the throne" it would be double shot 😆

P.P.S Honestly i not against one type of non-traditional relationships in this kind of fantasy.Yes, it's not realistic in Medieval Age setting, but hey, dragons's didn't existed in Medieval Ages ... 🙃


This is set in a fantasy scene that is also based the Arthurian history,  yes historically it's "not correct" but this isn't based entirely on medieval times and the author is allowed to take creative liberty. I also believe the author didn't just think "nah everything will be fine" it's called being inclusive.

(3 edits) (+5)(-40)

"nah, everything will be fine" i meant reaction of other fictional characters on it.Like Morgana with black skin...
If that happens story even can't begin.

About creative liberty, many people somehow forget that works in both ways.If is allowed to add black people in Medieval society, especially in higher classes , so must be allowed to make a film which places somewhere in central Africa during Antiquity or Medieval Age and pictures tribe where people have white skin*.

But in similar cases when black people pictured as white many as you unhappy with that and exist special term for that.Which is kinda really strange - if you okay with this why you not okay with similar?

*Personally hate this too.And unlike many people i will hate both things, without being hypocrite and telling that one thing awesome but similar - bad.

My opinion on creative liberty in fantasy - If anyone want to make fantasy with all kind of these things just make your fantasy world or choose one where they look believable and not messing with existing original descriptions.


You could have went with dragons, with magic, with bloodline powers, or even with the whole Camelot, since none of that really existed in Medieval Europe, but apparently it's being openly gay or black that is too unrealistic?

Not saying you are a raging bigot, but you gotta ask yourself: why exactly is that only straight white cisgender men should be allowed to be themselves in a made-up fantasy world?

(5 edits) (+4)(-29)


About creative liberty, many people somehow forget that works in both ways.If is allowed to add black people in Medieval society, especially in higher classes , so must be allowed to make a film which places somewhere in central Africa during Antiquity or Medieval Age and pictures tribe where people have white skin*.

 But in similar cases when black people pictured as white many as you unhappy with that and exist special term for that.Which is kinda really strange - if you okay with this why you not okay with similar?

*Personally hate this too.And unlike many people i will hate both things, without being hypocrite and telling that one thing awesome but similar - bad.


Want to remind, i'm not against this - specifically for me no difference who has some different colour or sexuality or orientation.Human is still human, no less, no more.But we have here a fucking Medieval Ages.


My opinion on creative liberty in fantasy - If anyone want to make fantasy with all kind of these things just make your fantasy world or choose one where they look believable and not messing with existing original descriptions.



Cases happened(mostly gay) but quite rarely and often that had a bad end.But even see someone with black skin or acting like a girl (for boys*) was ridiculous. 



*As i remember opposite for girls was considered as strange, maybe really strange but certainly not bad in begginning. Still this was up to circumstances.


Okay, answer where i wrote where only straight white people allowed?My point is about accordance to realism.Story about Arthur and Morgana clearly take place on fantasy variation of Earth in Medieval Society that's not much different from real.Especially considering  this story originally was made in Medieval Ages.

But fantasy world which haven't any relationship to Earth like Arda (Tolkin) haven't these restrictions and characters can be any skin colour, orientation or sexuality , except those who clearly was depicted in original books.

Completely own fantasy worlds haven't all kind of similar restictions at all.

P.S. Look my profile for games i played through comments which can be viewed in profile.You would be very surprised :/

P.P.S If someone depictures black as white many ppl hates him. But opposite somehow good.

Don't be hypocrites - both must be allowed or prohibited(personally prefer second option).

(1 edit) (+13)

Sorry if it seemed like I was hating on you. I do think that if you’re wanting to play this game you shouldn’t be expecting stuff exactly out of the history book because then the author has no room for creative liberty, again I see what you mean that the creative liberty thing goes both ways. But again like I said; With the skin color options and sexuality and all of that, that’s a customization feature to make the person playing closer to the story. 

(4 edits) (+1)(-16)

Yes, slightly, perhaps in comparison to other commentator))

Nvm, my reaction on your comment wasn't perfect too.Due to things happens in the world i quite easily getting mad on this stuff.So take my apologies too(

I understand why this was made.And that's why rated game 5 stars from beginng.

Plus obviously my comment start and ended on positive note, explanation was in neutral language.
Maybe that was not so obvious because amount of text, but i wanted to make proper explanation for my point.

Agree that make person playing closer to the story, at least it must be.But only if person doesn't bother with society.Opinion to bastards was 100% realistic but listed things much much worse in this kind of society.

Maybe problem with me, but even if this is fantasy i just can't stop using Medieval society norms when this take place on Earth and original story was made in Medieval Ages when those rules pretty much applied to the story.
If it was just modern story that takes place on Medieval fantasy Earth this wouldn't be so much problem because easy explanation - magic and all other stuff changed some things. 


I’m glad we could clear up the misunderstanding ^^

(1 edit) (-20)

Wow, so many who can't read.Typical Twitter-formed generation with love of things like cancel-culture)))

What am i even expected? xD


Maybe learn how basic grammar works before whining about people not being able to read your obtuse, bigoted opinion in a public forum. Stop being a whiny little brat and go watch Naruto or something. 


Of course this dude references Naruto 


Damn, 90% of people mentioning twitter users DO just make up some guy to hate on, when that guy is just a minority of people.

That comment can just be summed up as "Kids these days"


Dude, who cares, it's fantasy.

If there can be dragons who co-exist with people, there could be black people.

If there can be people with powers over elements, there can be gay people.

If there can be fictional places, there can be non-binary people.

Besides, gay and non-binary people DID exist in medieval times, even if not openly. Besides, wouldn't it be too restrictive  to not allow choices to be gay/bi, non-binary, or black. 

Not every story in the past that includes the above have to have discrimination, they don't always have to be realistic. Let gay, non-binary, and black people exist in medieval fantasy.


1.About human-dragon friendship.And that was in original story.

2.Yep, and i wrote earlier that they indeed existed , but not openly.But here we can see definitely open character dialgues , like ones to Arthur.

3.At least not allow opnely gay/bi and black at all( like black Morgana).In medieval times if someone married on black, well there's Very bad news for him.

4.I wrote earlier abou it - it's certainly possible to have black, bi, gay , whatever people in medieval fantasy.But much better if it is not placed on Earth and on entirely new fictional world rather than real world and based on existing fictional story.


1. Yes, it is in the original story, but there are many other differences between the original story and this one. In the original story, Gawain is either Mordred's brother, half brother, or cousin. While in this game, he is adopted, rather than blood-related.  (though this is just one example)

2. "For the most part, any homosexual behaviour was considered sinful by medieval society, and often laws against sodomy proscribed harsh penalties such as castration and execution.

On the other hand, research has revealed that at times, same-sex relationships were tolerated and that positive depictions about homosexuality can be found in medieval literature." -

3. See above. Also, some people need a break from racism being attached to black characters, it is not a requirement.  "Nonetheless, in the period from 500 to 1500, European writers did remark upon skin color and cultural differences, and they understood some traits to be inherited. " - (while it was true that they were still INCREDIBLY racist, remember that this is a fictional city. I, for one, am glad to have a game were I can have an openly gay, bi, or trans character without the transphobia and homophobia, I've seen enough to make me uncomfortable.

4. There have been multiple stories with POC and LGBT people based off actual fairy tales and stories, and what's the harm in that? It's re-imagining an existing piece of literature, and can be quite fun, too! By reducing the amount of characters someone can make in that re-imagining, it limits you to the same types of characters. 

(Bonus!) By your logic, Mordred cannot be a woman, since women couldn't be CALLED a "knight"

"During the Middle Ages, women could not be granted the title of Knight; it was reserved for men only. However, there were many chivalric orders of knighthood that admitted women and female warriors who performed the role." -,warriors%20who%20performed%20the%20role.

Anyways, thanks for the challenge! It's been fun researching this type of stuff, which I've been planning to do for a while!


I know this is 2 months old but there's a black knight of the round table in arthurian legend so what are you on about

I think the difference between this and a retelling of the Arthurian Legends is that it is a fantasy immersive game. All sorts of people play these type of games, and if the point of this genre is to be immersive, then the variations ought  to be big. People want to see themselves in the characters they play (this includes the family's immediate family members), it is fairly simple. Hope this helps!! 


THIS WAS SO GOOD!! I can not wait for the next chapters!!!!


It took me so long to finish what's been done so far but it was worth it! great game :) I love it, and I cant wait for more!


absolutely love it so far! all the characters are very lovable and even plainly antagonistic ones are understandable in their motivation or just plain enjoyable lol


I read this so many times while waiting for the next update and all I can say is I really feel so happy that I found this gem! This one is really one of the best that I have read! It's enjoyable even if it's still incomplete but whenever you reached end of the update, you'll really crave for more chapters to come! XOXO


Currently, which path is the best way to enjoy the story? The evil one or the prophecy one? 


I know the tag line says "be a villain or a hero" but honestly it's a gross oversimplification of the paths you'll be able to explore, and all the gray areas in between. Besides, I wouldn't say there's a certain way to best enjoy the game - I'm putting effort in all routes and options and alternatives so that any way you play you get a satisfying experience.

At this point in the demo, anyway, Mordred's not a "hero" or "villain" or anything else but a kid growing up, and it's up to you how you want to shape them.

Also, I'm not quite sure what you mean by "prophecy route"? Mordred, regardless of how you play, is born under an ominous prophecy made by Merlin. That's all routes :) How that actually unfolds, we'll see.


Typos aside, it’s so well-written! I love the complexity of the characters. I especially enjoyed how navigating your relationship with Arthur and Accolon was written. Excited to see the rest of the story unfold!


I NEED MORE!!!! It’s wonderfully written, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed playing. I can’t wait for more.


This is just wonderful. A truly creative, vibrant retelling of the arthurian legends and focusing on a character that is usually udnerwritten-bravo!


I love this so muchhhhhh!


this story is absoulutely amazing i was wondering when will there be a new chapter??

(1 edit) (+10)

Thank you! Chapter 4 will come out publicly in a couple months. I'm hoping March but I don't know for sure yet, sorry!


thats alright take your time and i hope you have a wonderful day : )


Me, reading the character descriptions before I start my playthrough.

Galahad du Lac: "He hates you."

....sign me tf up my first romance is officially chosen lmao


same lol that romance choice that hates the mc will always be my first choice 


i keep replaying this im so invested


Absolutely amazing, thank you for making this! I can't wait for more.

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