AHH YAYY i'm so glad to see the rest of chap 3 out! i absolutely freaked out when i saw the update in the devlog haha ;; love love love this so much and i can't wait to see what comes next!
alright hold on i'm just going to gush about all the personality options. all the ways you can characterize mordred are just amazing - i made my mordred outwardly charming but inwardly seething and vengeful, and it is honestly really fun to play her like that. it hurt to be choose to be cruel to gawain when he pitied mordred though... darn it author why'd you have to make him so skrunkly
I'm loving this story ! I binge played for over 2 hours by now and really enjoyed everything, it's so sweet to see all kinds of relationships being portrayed in both good and bad light, as they should be. I also adore the dragon part plus the amount of customization for them, I settled on making my dragon, Kurthnaga, opposite of my Mordred (Who I call Linet) so a bold yet level headed dragon with a shy but emotional partner.
Wow. For what's here it is amazing. I started the story determined to reconcile Mordred with Arthur and be an upstanding knight. Ended basically wanting to brawl every single one of those small minded bullies that call themselves knights that seem to want to unload all their baggage on a child and not caring about Arthur at all because why would I when Accolon, the world's greatest fictional father, is right there!
aaagh this is great i've played it so many times. i love all the options and how much you can flesh mordred out!! i'm curious tho, would it be possible for mordred to have their trans/nb awakening later on in the story, or not?
lordy i'm having a minor crisis over choosing fem!mordred or nb!mordred. but i love the sheer amount of customization options when it comes to gender! i love that you could make a masc-presenting nb mordred or a femme-presenting nb mordred it's just great
also i appreciate a whole lot how the starting options for clothes leave a lot open to interpretation. like mordred could be nb but still identify with their agab in one way or another. or they're not exactly nb, but not exactly their agab. or they do identify with their agab but not entirely. idk it's just great
tHIS GAME!!!! Ohmygoshhh, I have so many things to say about this game but I'll try to keep this comment short! Firstly, I love your writing and I love how you captured the emotions of the other characters! I love our dear mother Morgana, and I'm making my Mordred a conflicted lil mama's boy <3 we'll see if he decides to accept Arthur as his father in the future, or maybe he'll follow in his mother's footsteps down a vengeful path... hmm.
also.. me: *sees a potential love interest that absolutely despises my mc* "..did somebody say... enemies to lovers?"
...yeah, I think it's obvious who I've already decided to romance, lol. Although I'm really excited to see the other characters and explore their routes as well!! Gawain is a sweetheart :) When I read that one desc that was like "You make him want to serenade you" I was like AWWW
(this game is also making me realize that I don't know much about the Arthurian Legends, so I'm definitely going to research them further! like I had no idea that Mordred was actually Morg and Arth's child? Imagine my shock, lol!)
A bit nitpicky, buttt in older versions of the myth, Mordred was originally Arthur's cousin, later progressing to becoming the son of Arthur and his half-sister Morgause (whose commonly axed out of modern interpretations of the myths). Morgause became combined with the character of Morgan Le Fay, who was (also) Arthur and Morgause's half sister, to the modern day character of Morgana Le Fay. Mordred then became the son-newphew of Arthur and Morgana in popular culture. Again, this is like, a really random comment about something only tangentially related to what you just said, I just wanted to info dump bc the legends are genuinely very interesting. :>
No worries, I think it's great when people info dump stuff they're passionate about ^^ !! This is all very interesting to me since I've never thoroughly looked into the Arthurian legends, but because of your game, I am now interested in finding out more about them and the different versions of the stories, so thank you for getting me interested in something new, haha!
Oh wait, I cannot take credit for this. I wish I came up with this, but alas, I can't code. This is all the work of Llamagirl! I am just a humble fan who randomly info-dumps in the comments.
Oh my goodness you're right! This is both hilarious and embarrassing, especially since I'm following the author's Tumblr. I clearly do not read names on Itch.io. Oh well, still appreciate the interesting facts you've told me about the legends, thanks for that! :)
Totallyyy all right dude. I enjoy randomly pestering people in the comments section so I probably should have been prepared for it to bite me in the @ss. Have a good one!
You have a such immaculate writing. Not too prosy, but also not too plain.
I like this IF since it still in ChoiceScript format.
I'm curious to meet other character(s) like Queen Guinevere and other ROs, tho I'm already picking Galahad for ... enemies to lover route. Ah, yes, the angst.
I can imagine my Mordred being tsundere about her feeling.
For Queen Guinevere, I'm curious to see how you execute her characterization. Would she betray like what the lore have told? Would she genuinely love Arthur? Or it's neutral, as much as political marriage can go? (Some depiction of her in the media I found are much into this). There are many depiction of Guinevere in contemporary adaptations and I eager to see your take.
every time i see the picture for the game i get super excited thinking its an update but its usually a review or someone adding it to a collection. good things either way tho cuz i play through it again almost every time i see it lol
Great, another damn good game I found and is still in development. I really really hate these, always a superb story and beautiful characters and I have to wait eons for it to be completed. Game's awesome btw and I'll be waiting for more in the future
According to Llama's tumblr, the next update is coming out in a couple of months, which consists of the next half of chapter 3! The Patreon/Kofi demo has already been updated with another segment of chapter 3, however.
i cant put into words how much i love your writing whsjwjdn currently playing as a trans man Mordred and came out towards the end of chapter 3, hearing him call me son actually made me cry dammit
going to charm Galahad 👀👀 i love all the characters so far, so many complicated feelings about Morgana and Arthur though! gah! i do love how you gave Morgana so much depth, she isnt just a heartless mom or bad just because, she's wounded and copes with it the only way she knows how. amazing writing whsjwkd cant wait for the next update
I don't know for sure, hoping to post the rest of chapter 3 sometimes in November! The game is currently receiving updates on the Patreon/Kofi demo (I've added details and links on the game's page here and in my bio for anyone interested). At the moment, the Patreon/Kofi demo contains a new Galahad scene, the intro of a new character (and more!), as well as general edits, small new additions, some new aesthetics.
Ok, I just did a replay and I snorted at the scene where Lancelot's picking at his food. Just... the great Knight's Champion, "My son will be the saviour of Camelot, woe be to those who cross my king", the big guy, just stabbing at his food like an angry toddler is so hilarious.
Just coming back after a long long while to say that I love this game and am will wait patiently for future content. I legit feel so bad for Mordred, but that's what makes the story so engaging to me...! And it's super interesting that you can make him... Well... Not exactly kind and innocent either. It makes one think about how life and things that happen to us shape us, but how much of that is also because we allow it to happen? It hurts less if we fight and bite back, you know? I mean, he's still a kid so of course the adults are majorly to blame here, but if nobody tries to reach out to him if he's on a skeptical/warpath route when he's older things could end veeeery badly for everyone... Which would be very intriguing (albeit tragical) to read too. Ahh there are so many possibilities! This is one of the few stories out there I've actually went out of my way to try all the options available. You have been quite thoughtful when writing viewpoints for the many personalities of Mordred, so it's very interesting to try new things...! Thanks again for sharing your work, I hope you are healthy and content wherever you are!
This is by far my favorite IF. The different POVs are so great and show how people react to Mordred. In my case with a shy crybaby Mordred it breaks the heart of Arthur to see his child crying like this and he cant do much to help her. Keep up the good work Llamagirl and keep yourself healthy too.
I plaid this a while ago but never mentioned how much I appreciated the way you get to navigate Mordred's gender. Playing Mordred as trans, the very last scene before the demo ends warmed my entire heart
I really enjoyed how complex all the characters are especially Morgana. Incredibly enjoyable first 3 chapters. I would have liked the ability to choose neutral pronouns from the start though.
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Slight Spoilers!!!!!!
Gally- Help Im so soft. I love this if so much.
Amazing as always, cannot wait for more!
Dang, my save ... is missing :")
I understand the reason, but my lazy ass just too frustrated for replaying the same route.
Anyway, I'm so happy to know the new update and change as I open the notif
AHH YAYY i'm so glad to see the rest of chap 3 out! i absolutely freaked out when i saw the update in the devlog haha ;; love love love this so much and i can't wait to see what comes next!
alright hold on i'm just going to gush about all the personality options. all the ways you can characterize mordred are just amazing - i made my mordred outwardly charming but inwardly seething and vengeful, and it is honestly really fun to play her like that. it hurt to be choose to be cruel to gawain when he pitied mordred though... darn it author why'd you have to make him so skrunkly
Does anyone know when the next update is?
this month or december, the author said so a few threads down ^
It's this week!
It's today! The update is up right now :)
I'm loving this story ! I binge played for over 2 hours by now and really enjoyed everything, it's so sweet to see all kinds of relationships being portrayed in both good and bad light, as they should be. I also adore the dragon part plus the amount of customization for them, I settled on making my dragon, Kurthnaga, opposite of my Mordred (Who I call Linet) so a bold yet level headed dragon with a shy but emotional partner.
Wow. For what's here it is amazing. I started the story determined to reconcile Mordred with Arthur and be an upstanding knight. Ended basically wanting to brawl every single one of those small minded bullies that call themselves knights that seem to want to unload all their baggage on a child and not caring about Arthur at all because why would I when Accolon, the world's greatest fictional father, is right there!
aaagh this is great i've played it so many times. i love all the options and how much you can flesh mordred out!! i'm curious tho, would it be possible for mordred to have their trans/nb awakening later on in the story, or not?
lordy i'm having a minor crisis over choosing fem!mordred or nb!mordred. but i love the sheer amount of customization options when it comes to gender! i love that you could make a masc-presenting nb mordred or a femme-presenting nb mordred it's just great
also i appreciate a whole lot how the starting options for clothes leave a lot open to interpretation. like mordred could be nb but still identify with their agab in one way or another. or they're not exactly nb, but not exactly their agab. or they do identify with their agab but not entirely. idk it's just great
Thank you!! For trans/nb Mordreds: yes, there'll be different opportunities for Mordred to figure it out later!
aah yay :D
tHIS GAME!!!! Ohmygoshhh, I have so many things to say about this game but I'll try to keep this comment short! Firstly, I love your writing and I love how you captured the emotions of the other characters! I love our dear mother Morgana, and I'm making my Mordred a conflicted lil mama's boy <3 we'll see if he decides to accept Arthur as his father in the future, or maybe he'll follow in his mother's footsteps down a vengeful path... hmm.
also.. me: *sees a potential love interest that absolutely despises my mc* "..did somebody say... enemies to lovers?"
...yeah, I think it's obvious who I've already decided to romance, lol. Although I'm really excited to see the other characters and explore their routes as well!! Gawain is a sweetheart :) When I read that one desc that was like "You make him want to serenade you" I was like AWWW
(this game is also making me realize that I don't know much about the Arthurian Legends, so I'm definitely going to research them further! like I had no idea that Mordred was actually Morg and Arth's child? Imagine my shock, lol!)
Anyways, can't wait for the next update! ^^
A bit nitpicky, buttt in older versions of the myth, Mordred was originally Arthur's cousin, later progressing to becoming the son of Arthur and his half-sister Morgause (whose commonly axed out of modern interpretations of the myths). Morgause became combined with the character of Morgan Le Fay, who was (also) Arthur and Morgause's half sister, to the modern day character of Morgana Le Fay. Mordred then became the son-newphew of Arthur and Morgana in popular culture. Again, this is like, a really random comment about something only tangentially related to what you just said, I just wanted to info dump bc the legends are genuinely very interesting. :>
No worries, I think it's great when people info dump stuff they're passionate about ^^ !! This is all very interesting to me since I've never thoroughly looked into the Arthurian legends, but because of your game, I am now interested in finding out more about them and the different versions of the stories, so thank you for getting me interested in something new, haha!
Oh wait, I cannot take credit for this. I wish I came up with this, but alas, I can't code. This is all the work of Llamagirl! I am just a humble fan who randomly info-dumps in the comments.
Oh my goodness you're right! This is both hilarious and embarrassing, especially since I'm following the author's Tumblr. I clearly do not read names on Itch.io. Oh well, still appreciate the interesting facts you've told me about the legends, thanks for that! :)
Totallyyy all right dude. I enjoy randomly pestering people in the comments section so I probably should have been prepared for it to bite me in the @ss. Have a good one!
You have a such immaculate writing. Not too prosy, but also not too plain.
I like this IF since it still in ChoiceScript format.
I'm curious to meet other character(s) like Queen Guinevere and other ROs, tho I'm already picking Galahad for ... enemies to lover route. Ah, yes, the angst.
I can imagine my Mordred being tsundere about her feeling.
For Queen Guinevere, I'm curious to see how you execute her characterization. Would she betray like what the lore have told? Would she genuinely love Arthur? Or it's neutral, as much as political marriage can go? (Some depiction of her in the media I found are much into this). There are many depiction of Guinevere in contemporary adaptations and I eager to see your take.
Can't wait for the next update.
Can't wait for an update for this played this over and over again. Interaction with Gawain was quite heartwarming aswell :3
yeah uhhh i wasnt into arthurian legend until now.
also the trans options got me crying. accolon for parent of the year please? ty
desperately waiting for an update, why must all the good games be incomplete :’)
no rush tho for the record, take your time :) just love the story
every time i see the picture for the game i get super excited thinking its an update but its usually a review or someone adding it to a collection. good things either way tho cuz i play through it again almost every time i see it lol
OOH, this is really fun (had a little identity crisis halfway through lol) I like it a lot! Excited to see the direction this goes.
Aahh I'm sorry to have got your hopes up, but I only edited the game's description. The update is coming in November/December.
ayo its alright, heart broke a lil but the game's so amazing im going to endure the wait, just DONT RUSH or pressure yourself and we're gonna be okay
Great, another damn good game I found and is still in development. I really really hate these, always a superb story and beautiful characters and I have to wait eons for it to be completed. Game's awesome btw and I'll be waiting for more in the future
Really enjoyed this a lot more then a lot of the other interactive novels
Great game can't wait for more
When will the updated version be available to the public?
when the new update comes out?
According to Llama's tumblr, the next update is coming out in a couple of months, which consists of the next half of chapter 3! The Patreon/Kofi demo has already been updated with another segment of chapter 3, however.
oh no i got dangerously invested in ANOTHER IF
i cant put into words how much i love your writing whsjwjdn currently playing as a trans man Mordred and came out towards the end of chapter 3, hearing him call me son actually made me cry dammit
going to charm Galahad 👀👀 i love all the characters so far, so many complicated feelings about Morgana and Arthur though! gah! i do love how you gave Morgana so much depth, she isnt just a heartless mom or bad just because, she's wounded and copes with it the only way she knows how. amazing writing whsjwkd cant wait for the next update
Now, I'll be honest. So far, the Mother seems like a quite horrible person who is selfish and adamant they are correct purely based on passed events.
when is the new update coming?
I don't know for sure, hoping to post the rest of chapter 3 sometimes in November! The game is currently receiving updates on the Patreon/Kofi demo (I've added details and links on the game's page here and in my bio for anyone interested). At the moment, the Patreon/Kofi demo contains a new Galahad scene, the intro of a new character (and more!), as well as general edits, small new additions, some new aesthetics.
Ok, I just did a replay and I snorted at the scene where Lancelot's picking at his food. Just... the great Knight's Champion, "My son will be the saviour of Camelot, woe be to those who cross my king", the big guy, just stabbing at his food like an angry toddler is so hilarious.
I’m buying this game even if it costs $100
mordred will cry her way into everyone's hearts if its the last thing i do!!!
in all seriousness, bastard of camelot is a great game and i look forward to seeing more of it! :)
Thats the way.
Just coming back after a long long while to say that I love this game and am will wait patiently for future content. I legit feel so bad for Mordred, but that's what makes the story so engaging to me...! And it's super interesting that you can make him... Well... Not exactly kind and innocent either. It makes one think about how life and things that happen to us shape us, but how much of that is also because we allow it to happen? It hurts less if we fight and bite back, you know? I mean, he's still a kid so of course the adults are majorly to blame here, but if nobody tries to reach out to him if he's on a skeptical/warpath route when he's older things could end veeeery badly for everyone... Which would be very intriguing (albeit tragical) to read too. Ahh there are so many possibilities! This is one of the few stories out there I've actually went out of my way to try all the options available. You have been quite thoughtful when writing viewpoints for the many personalities of Mordred, so it's very interesting to try new things...! Thanks again for sharing your work, I hope you are healthy and content wherever you are!
This is by far my favorite IF. The different POVs are so great and show how people react to Mordred. In my case with a shy crybaby Mordred it breaks the heart of Arthur to see his child crying like this and he cant do much to help her. Keep up the good work Llamagirl and keep yourself healthy too.
very good game please keep working on it!
Thank you, I am working on it! ❤
Love it can't wait for more Updates 🥰
Que sabor delicioso é essa história! Amo❤️❤️
i love this game <3!!!
I love this game, mostly because I love Arthurian legend. I hope you enjoy creating this game.
I cant wait for chapter 4 and the rest of 3! This is by far the best IF I have ever read. Crybaby Mordred FTW! :3
I plaid this a while ago but never mentioned how much I appreciated the way you get to navigate Mordred's gender. Playing Mordred as trans, the very last scene before the demo ends warmed my entire heart
I really enjoyed how complex all the characters are especially Morgana. Incredibly enjoyable first 3 chapters. I would have liked the ability to choose neutral pronouns from the start though.