I love this! I've been busy with school works these past few weeks but whenever I have a time, I peeked and wish that this got updated! It didn't disappoint me even just a bit! I love that there are more time to make Galahad change his opinion for Mordred! They're all cute but, really, it's really sad that Mordred has a life like this. This is why this is one of my favorite IF all the time! I also keep looking for an IF like this(Arthurian Tales one) And I can't wait to meet elaine and the others! Thanks for making me cheer up! Keep up the good work and stay healthy always! Love lots for you!
Awesome update so worth the wait now I hiped for the next one, love getting to interact more with the characters an get to know them more especially Gawain, Galahad even starting to grow on me a bit, anyway keep up the great work.
Was so excited to see this one update! Been in love with this IF since it first came about and glad to see so much more love and effort poured into it. As always I love the variety of options that allow emotions and actions to feel so much more fleshed out, as well as the occasional change in POV that really give more depth to key moments! Amazing work as always!
From the beginning to the end, the Bastard of Camelot is a masterpiece of a story. Parent-child relationship with Morgana as best mom and Accolon as best dad are my favourite parts of the story to read.Gawain is a sweetheart but Nimue is my Mordred's first childhood crush (sorry Gawain).
Accolon as best dad I am 100% on board with, but Morgana as best mum? Really? I get that her backstory justifies some of her actions but her unremitting bitterness towards Arthur despite him being the father of her child disqualifies her as best mum in my eyes.
Also, let's not forget that Mordred is not just the product of incest, but of rape. Arthur makes it clear that he never would have slept with Morgana had he known she was his half sister, a fact she knew and concealed from him. Not allowing him all the information needed for him to consent is a type of rape.
First off, it's just my opinion? (I have no idea why we are having a discussion on the comment section right now but oh well)
Second, if i have to explain my opinion, I'm not saying Morgana is a good person(hell no she is not no matter what past she may have had) but as a mother she is 100% a good one. Granted she may not be perfect what with her bitterness (part of it being: no matter the circumstances, arthur just abandons and doesn't even show up his face to his kid in years and somehow later he has a change of heart and wants to be a father to the kid? hell no! it's bad and destructive for the child's psychological health (she thinks she is protecting her child like any other mother on the planet would)) but she neither abandons her children nor does she fail to show her love for both of them every single time. An imperfect but passionate mother who will do everything for her children.
In the end, you have an opinion and i have an opinion. i don't impose my opinion on you nor should you impose your opinions on the story to me (i'm not saying you are but i'm writing this just in case).
I have no words to explain how AMAZING this game is. It's so well written, I've cried and smiled so many times. My financial situation right now isn't looking good but as soon as I have money I'll support the game.
This is one of my fav demos so far!!I JUST CAN'T DECIDE BETWEEN GALLY AND GAWAIN,, they're such sweets boys on their different ways that I just can't help myself of playing both romantic decisions
Galahad really annoyed me at first, until I realised he was only two years older than Mordred. I had imagined him as mid-teens, but knowing he's only twelve at the time makes it much easier to realise he's just parroting back the opinions of his father. That, combined with the character growth we see happening in chapter three, is really bringing me around on him.
Such a big fan of the sweet, innocent romance that can bloom between Gawain and Mordred. It feels very real for the age they are at (and the "historical" setting of the story) and the holding hands and a single shy kiss is very in keeping with courtly love stories.
Oh my goodness, I loved this demo so much! I really loved the addition of the oblivious romance options. Often I imagine that some options in other games are the MC being oblivious to their growing feelings, so it was super cool to have that built right in!
Even in the span of the demo, which felt quite long, it was cool to see how much the relationships between Mordred and the other characters could grow and change!
Also, why is Gawain so adorable? He's just a ball of sunshine, and the friendship between him and Galahad was very sweet!
I'm also a big fan of the oblivious romance option. I like playing a character that is a little slow when it comes to romance, especially when said character is still a child, but don't want to miss out on the actual romance content.
Me @the last half of chapter 3: I will make so many bad choices <3
What can I say except this update was incredible (as per usual). We got so much STUFF this update, with edits that help to give us a better understanding of the lore and the last part of chapter 3, which gave us more time to interact with the characters. I LOVED the convo's we had with the cast in this one- unfortunately, due to how I'm playing my main Mordred, I've yet to fully go down all the routes, especially the ones with Arthur, but I Am Getting There!
All in all, great update, and I NEEDDD Chapter 4 right now. Oh why must I be poor?!
AHH YAYY i'm so glad to see the rest of chap 3 out! i absolutely freaked out when i saw the update in the devlog haha ;; love love love this so much and i can't wait to see what comes next!
alright hold on i'm just going to gush about all the personality options. all the ways you can characterize mordred are just amazing - i made my mordred outwardly charming but inwardly seething and vengeful, and it is honestly really fun to play her like that. it hurt to be choose to be cruel to gawain when he pitied mordred though... darn it author why'd you have to make him so skrunkly
I'm loving this story ! I binge played for over 2 hours by now and really enjoyed everything, it's so sweet to see all kinds of relationships being portrayed in both good and bad light, as they should be. I also adore the dragon part plus the amount of customization for them, I settled on making my dragon, Kurthnaga, opposite of my Mordred (Who I call Linet) so a bold yet level headed dragon with a shy but emotional partner.
Wow. For what's here it is amazing. I started the story determined to reconcile Mordred with Arthur and be an upstanding knight. Ended basically wanting to brawl every single one of those small minded bullies that call themselves knights that seem to want to unload all their baggage on a child and not caring about Arthur at all because why would I when Accolon, the world's greatest fictional father, is right there!
aaagh this is great i've played it so many times. i love all the options and how much you can flesh mordred out!! i'm curious tho, would it be possible for mordred to have their trans/nb awakening later on in the story, or not?
lordy i'm having a minor crisis over choosing fem!mordred or nb!mordred. but i love the sheer amount of customization options when it comes to gender! i love that you could make a masc-presenting nb mordred or a femme-presenting nb mordred it's just great
also i appreciate a whole lot how the starting options for clothes leave a lot open to interpretation. like mordred could be nb but still identify with their agab in one way or another. or they're not exactly nb, but not exactly their agab. or they do identify with their agab but not entirely. idk it's just great
tHIS GAME!!!! Ohmygoshhh, I have so many things to say about this game but I'll try to keep this comment short! Firstly, I love your writing and I love how you captured the emotions of the other characters! I love our dear mother Morgana, and I'm making my Mordred a conflicted lil mama's boy <3 we'll see if he decides to accept Arthur as his father in the future, or maybe he'll follow in his mother's footsteps down a vengeful path... hmm.
also.. me: *sees a potential love interest that absolutely despises my mc* "..did somebody say... enemies to lovers?"
...yeah, I think it's obvious who I've already decided to romance, lol. Although I'm really excited to see the other characters and explore their routes as well!! Gawain is a sweetheart :) When I read that one desc that was like "You make him want to serenade you" I was like AWWW
(this game is also making me realize that I don't know much about the Arthurian Legends, so I'm definitely going to research them further! like I had no idea that Mordred was actually Morg and Arth's child? Imagine my shock, lol!)
A bit nitpicky, buttt in older versions of the myth, Mordred was originally Arthur's cousin, later progressing to becoming the son of Arthur and his half-sister Morgause (whose commonly axed out of modern interpretations of the myths). Morgause became combined with the character of Morgan Le Fay, who was (also) Arthur and Morgause's half sister, to the modern day character of Morgana Le Fay. Mordred then became the son-newphew of Arthur and Morgana in popular culture. Again, this is like, a really random comment about something only tangentially related to what you just said, I just wanted to info dump bc the legends are genuinely very interesting. :>
No worries, I think it's great when people info dump stuff they're passionate about ^^ !! This is all very interesting to me since I've never thoroughly looked into the Arthurian legends, but because of your game, I am now interested in finding out more about them and the different versions of the stories, so thank you for getting me interested in something new, haha!
Oh wait, I cannot take credit for this. I wish I came up with this, but alas, I can't code. This is all the work of Llamagirl! I am just a humble fan who randomly info-dumps in the comments.
Oh my goodness you're right! This is both hilarious and embarrassing, especially since I'm following the author's Tumblr. I clearly do not read names on Itch.io. Oh well, still appreciate the interesting facts you've told me about the legends, thanks for that! :)
Totallyyy all right dude. I enjoy randomly pestering people in the comments section so I probably should have been prepared for it to bite me in the @ss. Have a good one!
You have a such immaculate writing. Not too prosy, but also not too plain.
I like this IF since it still in ChoiceScript format.
I'm curious to meet other character(s) like Queen Guinevere and other ROs, tho I'm already picking Galahad for ... enemies to lover route. Ah, yes, the angst.
I can imagine my Mordred being tsundere about her feeling.
For Queen Guinevere, I'm curious to see how you execute her characterization. Would she betray like what the lore have told? Would she genuinely love Arthur? Or it's neutral, as much as political marriage can go? (Some depiction of her in the media I found are much into this). There are many depiction of Guinevere in contemporary adaptations and I eager to see your take.
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are you going to include a poly route ?
on tumblr the author has said she won't
oh ok thx
Hi. Do you plan to add Stripe payment to your Ko-fi page? Thank you.
Hi! Not at the moment, sorry!
i absolutely love this so far. great job<3
I love this! I've been busy with school works these past few weeks but whenever I have a time, I peeked and wish that this got updated! It didn't disappoint me even just a bit! I love that there are more time to make Galahad change his opinion for Mordred! They're all cute but, really, it's really sad that Mordred has a life like this. This is why this is one of my favorite IF all the time! I also keep looking for an IF like this(Arthurian Tales one) And I can't wait to meet elaine and the others! Thanks for making me cheer up! Keep up the good work and stay healthy always! Love lots for you!
I loved this update so much! It was really nice to spend time with Gawain and Arthur! The other characters were great too! I love this game!
Awesome update so worth the wait now I hiped for the next one, love getting to interact more with the characters an get to know them more especially Gawain, Galahad even starting to grow on me a bit, anyway keep up the great work.
Was so excited to see this one update! Been in love with this IF since it first came about and glad to see so much more love and effort poured into it. As always I love the variety of options that allow emotions and actions to feel so much more fleshed out, as well as the occasional change in POV that really give more depth to key moments! Amazing work as always!
So, my save from my disk don't work. Can I fix that?
Hope this helps: https://itch.io/t/2173357/troubleshooting-game-launch-save-errors
Well the saves for this current version and the last one I played are named differently if that has anything to do with it.
From the beginning to the end, the Bastard of Camelot is a masterpiece of a story. Parent-child relationship with Morgana as best mom and Accolon as best dad are my favourite parts of the story to read.Gawain is a sweetheart but Nimue is my Mordred's first childhood crush (sorry Gawain).
Accolon as best dad I am 100% on board with, but Morgana as best mum? Really? I get that her backstory justifies some of her actions but her unremitting bitterness towards Arthur despite him being the father of her child disqualifies her as best mum in my eyes.
Also, let's not forget that Mordred is not just the product of incest, but of rape. Arthur makes it clear that he never would have slept with Morgana had he known she was his half sister, a fact she knew and concealed from him. Not allowing him all the information needed for him to consent is a type of rape.
First off, it's just my opinion? (I have no idea why we are having a discussion on the comment section right now but oh well)
Second, if i have to explain my opinion, I'm not saying Morgana is a good person (hell no she is not no matter what past she may have had) but as a mother she is 100% a good one. Granted she may not be perfect what with her bitterness (part of it being: no matter the circumstances, arthur just abandons and doesn't even show up his face to his kid in years and somehow later he has a change of heart and wants to be a father to the kid? hell no! it's bad and destructive for the child's psychological health (she thinks she is protecting her child like any other mother on the planet would)) but she neither abandons her children nor does she fail to show her love for both of them every single time. An imperfect but passionate mother who will do everything for her children.
In the end, you have an opinion and i have an opinion. i don't impose my opinion on you nor should you impose your opinions on the story to me (i'm not saying you are but i'm writing this just in case).
I'm so glad I stumbled upon it somehow. I love the ROs and can't wait to meet the others. The interactions between Mc and Arthur are so wholesome <3.
tysmmm and I cant wait for the next update... no rush ofc ;)
I have no words to explain how AMAZING this game is. It's so well written, I've cried and smiled so many times. My financial situation right now isn't looking good but as soon as I have money I'll support the game.
This is one of my fav demos so far!!I JUST CAN'T DECIDE BETWEEN GALLY AND GAWAIN,, they're such sweets boys on their different ways that I just can't help myself of playing both romantic decisions
Galahad really annoyed me at first, until I realised he was only two years older than Mordred. I had imagined him as mid-teens, but knowing he's only twelve at the time makes it much easier to realise he's just parroting back the opinions of his father. That, combined with the character growth we see happening in chapter three, is really bringing me around on him.
chap3 was so cool! top tier galahad character development!
God I loved this demo so much. Its so well written and i cant wait for next update.
Such a big fan of the sweet, innocent romance that can bloom between Gawain and Mordred. It feels very real for the age they are at (and the "historical" setting of the story) and the holding hands and a single shy kiss is very in keeping with courtly love stories.
You brighten my day.. Thank you.. Thank you so much... TT__TT
tysm for the update AAAAAAAAAAAA i love how much we can shape Mordred's personality
Oh my goodness, I loved this demo so much! I really loved the addition of the oblivious romance options. Often I imagine that some options in other games are the MC being oblivious to their growing feelings, so it was super cool to have that built right in!
Even in the span of the demo, which felt quite long, it was cool to see how much the relationships between Mordred and the other characters could grow and change!
Also, why is Gawain so adorable? He's just a ball of sunshine, and the friendship between him and Galahad was very sweet!
I'm really looking forward to the full game!
I'm also a big fan of the oblivious romance option. I like playing a character that is a little slow when it comes to romance, especially when said character is still a child, but don't want to miss out on the actual romance content.
Thank you so much for your work. Loved the update! <3 Truly a treasure.
Nice story, I believe coding over here is better than choices.
Me @the last half of chapter 3: I will make so many bad choices <3
What can I say except this update was incredible (as per usual). We got so much STUFF this update, with edits that help to give us a better understanding of the lore and the last part of chapter 3, which gave us more time to interact with the characters. I LOVED the convo's we had with the cast in this one- unfortunately, due to how I'm playing my main Mordred, I've yet to fully go down all the routes, especially the ones with Arthur, but I Am Getting There!
All in all, great update, and I NEEDDD Chapter 4 right now. Oh why must I be poor?!
Slight Spoilers!!!!!!
Gally- Help Im so soft. I love this if so much.
Amazing as always, cannot wait for more!
Dang, my save ... is missing :")
I understand the reason, but my lazy ass just too frustrated for replaying the same route.
Anyway, I'm so happy to know the new update and change as I open the notif
AHH YAYY i'm so glad to see the rest of chap 3 out! i absolutely freaked out when i saw the update in the devlog haha ;; love love love this so much and i can't wait to see what comes next!
alright hold on i'm just going to gush about all the personality options. all the ways you can characterize mordred are just amazing - i made my mordred outwardly charming but inwardly seething and vengeful, and it is honestly really fun to play her like that. it hurt to be choose to be cruel to gawain when he pitied mordred though... darn it author why'd you have to make him so skrunkly
Does anyone know when the next update is?
this month or december, the author said so a few threads down ^
It's this week!
It's today! The update is up right now :)
I'm loving this story ! I binge played for over 2 hours by now and really enjoyed everything, it's so sweet to see all kinds of relationships being portrayed in both good and bad light, as they should be. I also adore the dragon part plus the amount of customization for them, I settled on making my dragon, Kurthnaga, opposite of my Mordred (Who I call Linet) so a bold yet level headed dragon with a shy but emotional partner.
Wow. For what's here it is amazing. I started the story determined to reconcile Mordred with Arthur and be an upstanding knight. Ended basically wanting to brawl every single one of those small minded bullies that call themselves knights that seem to want to unload all their baggage on a child and not caring about Arthur at all because why would I when Accolon, the world's greatest fictional father, is right there!
aaagh this is great i've played it so many times. i love all the options and how much you can flesh mordred out!! i'm curious tho, would it be possible for mordred to have their trans/nb awakening later on in the story, or not?
lordy i'm having a minor crisis over choosing fem!mordred or nb!mordred. but i love the sheer amount of customization options when it comes to gender! i love that you could make a masc-presenting nb mordred or a femme-presenting nb mordred it's just great
also i appreciate a whole lot how the starting options for clothes leave a lot open to interpretation. like mordred could be nb but still identify with their agab in one way or another. or they're not exactly nb, but not exactly their agab. or they do identify with their agab but not entirely. idk it's just great
Thank you!! For trans/nb Mordreds: yes, there'll be different opportunities for Mordred to figure it out later!
aah yay :D
tHIS GAME!!!! Ohmygoshhh, I have so many things to say about this game but I'll try to keep this comment short! Firstly, I love your writing and I love how you captured the emotions of the other characters! I love our dear mother Morgana, and I'm making my Mordred a conflicted lil mama's boy <3 we'll see if he decides to accept Arthur as his father in the future, or maybe he'll follow in his mother's footsteps down a vengeful path... hmm.
also.. me: *sees a potential love interest that absolutely despises my mc* "..did somebody say... enemies to lovers?"
...yeah, I think it's obvious who I've already decided to romance, lol. Although I'm really excited to see the other characters and explore their routes as well!! Gawain is a sweetheart :) When I read that one desc that was like "You make him want to serenade you" I was like AWWW
(this game is also making me realize that I don't know much about the Arthurian Legends, so I'm definitely going to research them further! like I had no idea that Mordred was actually Morg and Arth's child? Imagine my shock, lol!)
Anyways, can't wait for the next update! ^^
A bit nitpicky, buttt in older versions of the myth, Mordred was originally Arthur's cousin, later progressing to becoming the son of Arthur and his half-sister Morgause (whose commonly axed out of modern interpretations of the myths). Morgause became combined with the character of Morgan Le Fay, who was (also) Arthur and Morgause's half sister, to the modern day character of Morgana Le Fay. Mordred then became the son-newphew of Arthur and Morgana in popular culture. Again, this is like, a really random comment about something only tangentially related to what you just said, I just wanted to info dump bc the legends are genuinely very interesting. :>
No worries, I think it's great when people info dump stuff they're passionate about ^^ !! This is all very interesting to me since I've never thoroughly looked into the Arthurian legends, but because of your game, I am now interested in finding out more about them and the different versions of the stories, so thank you for getting me interested in something new, haha!
Oh wait, I cannot take credit for this. I wish I came up with this, but alas, I can't code. This is all the work of Llamagirl! I am just a humble fan who randomly info-dumps in the comments.
Oh my goodness you're right! This is both hilarious and embarrassing, especially since I'm following the author's Tumblr. I clearly do not read names on Itch.io. Oh well, still appreciate the interesting facts you've told me about the legends, thanks for that! :)
Totallyyy all right dude. I enjoy randomly pestering people in the comments section so I probably should have been prepared for it to bite me in the @ss. Have a good one!
You have a such immaculate writing. Not too prosy, but also not too plain.
I like this IF since it still in ChoiceScript format.
I'm curious to meet other character(s) like Queen Guinevere and other ROs, tho I'm already picking Galahad for ... enemies to lover route. Ah, yes, the angst.
I can imagine my Mordred being tsundere about her feeling.
For Queen Guinevere, I'm curious to see how you execute her characterization. Would she betray like what the lore have told? Would she genuinely love Arthur? Or it's neutral, as much as political marriage can go? (Some depiction of her in the media I found are much into this). There are many depiction of Guinevere in contemporary adaptations and I eager to see your take.
Can't wait for the next update.
Can't wait for an update for this played this over and over again. Interaction with Gawain was quite heartwarming aswell :3
yeah uhhh i wasnt into arthurian legend until now.
also the trans options got me crying. accolon for parent of the year please? ty
desperately waiting for an update, why must all the good games be incomplete :’)
no rush tho for the record, take your time :) just love the story