i somehow made it so my dragon friend as the same personality as Galahad. and i have the same personality as Galahad's dragon... i dont know how, but i love this outcome.when im going to be able to be a blushing mess in front of Galahad again?
I think, with the way saves are stored, they can disappear if you cleared your cache? In any case, I don't think there's a way to get them back. But an update is coming soon (by the end of the month) so I would highly recommend replaying when it comes out since I've added/changed some bits as well as tweaked with some variables. (but if anyone doesn't feel like replaying, there's also an added quick-character creation to jump into chapter 5).
No, I haven't cleared my cache, but I checked the other twine fics I have open and apparently, this happened to all of them😭😭It sucks and I don't remember a lot of the characters I played as and the choices made but it is what is
One of the other IF authors posted that Itch.io was changing how things work and that it would affect the saves of all IF games. Unfortunately, if you hadn't saved to disk your saves prior to this change, you'll probably have to replay everything again. From now on, make sure to save to disk as your saves won't be safe.
What I did that seems to be working until now is click on the +Add to collection and "save" on your account. After that, all the games choice/interative games like this didn't lose the saves. Hope that helps
So difficult to make Galahad like you and eventually fall in love with you when you are in fact evil and planning on destroying the kingdom of Camelot u–u
Bruh our mc really got complicated parents. Can't I just not to choose side with any of them and live with my dragons instead? I hate father because how absent he is, but I hate the mother for using us as chess piece. But I love our awesome dad Accolon 💕 😂
There's so much detail, so many different responses, that you really can go back, change an answer and there will be a change in what is said next. I love that. Makes me want to play every possible outcome and choice.
I love the different POVs, it's a nice break from being Mordred, who I love but has such awful things happen to them that it's nice to step away and see what the rest of the world is up to.
I cannot wait to read more, I didn't think I'd enjoy playing as a child but I really did, but teenage/adult Mordred is what I've been waiting for and I'm so excited to see what happens!
I've created an account for the first time on this site just to comment this: I've played a lot of IF games over the years, but this is one of the best I've come across. I'd hate to see it abandoned! Keep it going with the good updates! 👍💯
Most people know of Merlin, Morgana and Arthur, if not from legends, then from the different adaptations/movies/tv series they have watched. Yet fewer have any prior deep knowledge of Mordred.
This was a nice find truly, since most of the Wips/games revolve around the three most known figures of Arthurian legends. Following the birth, childhood and later, teenage and adult years, through Mordred's own POV has given me the chance to explore their psyche and complicated relationships with the people around them.
The narrative is a masterpiece. It manages to immerse the reader(me), making me feel all sorts of emotions. The pain, the hurt, the frustration, rejecting others first before they reject you (fear of rejection/abandonment), love for parents, rage at the world.
The interludes, shifting the pov from Mordred to Morgana and/or Arthur, give a better insight on who they are and what they are feeling at the moment of the events happening. You are going to notice how their personalities, both stay true to the legends, and have new traits added by the writer, making them compelling to read. Will have to say that most of the characters, excluding few, are in the grey area, meaning you can decide for yourself whether you like or hate them, if they are villains, normal or heroes for your Mordred.
Probably this wasn't intentional, but, while reading, it's hard to separate myself from Mordred. Feeling what they feel and when choosing options/routes, thinking of them as Mordred's decision and mine too. It doesn't help that the choices are so accurate and diverse enough for all kinds of Mordreds the players create. This is what I call a truly immersive story.
I'll have to add how much I appreciate the author adding and using the other characters from the Arthurian era legends, adding a twist to them in their own way. Those who read the story can educste themselves on this legends and search more about them.
I loved Gareth and Mordred's adoptive father in particular, and am excited to meet Nimue in the next game updates💛
I am confused, in the beginning - Arthur mentions that he and Morgana come from the same womb... but that wouldn't be true. He is not a Le Fey, he is Uther's son but not the son of the woman his father SA'ed. If he were, they'd be full siblings and know about each other. Likely, Uther fathered Arthur with a commoner or an initial wife and then stormed in an assaulted the noblewoman he forced into marriage and had Morgana with her.
No, Morgana is born to a previous father, Uther killed her father and takes her mother as his bride. Arthur is then born to Morgana's mother and is hidden away.
Arthur and Morgana have the same mother - Igraine - and different fathers - Uther being Arthur's, Gorlois being Morgana's. It's Igraine who is the Le Fay, so the one whose bloodline carries magic; but just having magical blood doesn't ensure one actually has active powers and is thus a sorcerer. So Igraine, Morgana and Arthur are all Le Fay but only Morgana has the magical powers.
Also, while Morgana is not Uther's bio kid, she was legally adopted by him - it's why she thought she had a claim to the throne.
Again, awesome game. I don't really understand what "oblivious romance options" do. How are they different from regular romance options? Maybe there's a subtlety I'm missing since this is not my first language...
You the player know that Modred is getting romantic feelings for the character. Modred does not. Its letting you progress a romance without Modred realizing thats what they are doing, presumably culminating in a realization moment.
It's essentially you being shy/oblivious about your own feelings. It's a common thing in IFs like this to provide both a 'bold/direct' and 'shy/oblivious' option, which allows you to form a romance with a character in both ways. This helps for people who want to romance a character but don't want to be a flirt, and the player can still be 'pursuing' a particular character's route, but they are permitted to be shy about it, to be the 'pursued' instead, in some cases.
Hit the nail on the head. I appreciate the options, as I usually don't like to play the obvious flirt. Or I can start with oblivious flirting at the start that progresses to bold flirting once the MC grows more confident in their growing relationship with the other character.
Or in this case, Mordred is still a young kid who hasn't yet hit puberty. Starting to like and be drawn to Galahad, but not yet aware that their feelings are the beginnings of a future romance.
I don't tend to comment often, but with itch.io being the land of abandoned projects, i feel like i should show some support.
I really do hope you can finish this, i'd hate for it to be another cool game that suddenly stops being updated with the author disappearing completely. They're completely different genres and that one's more of a sandbox, but your game is up there with Trigaea if we're talking interactive fiction on this site, and imo that's the best finished one. You're doing an amazing job.
WOW. I honestly forgot this was a demo?? so good and so polished, I really loved it, but can anyone tell me what choices I have to make to romance Galahad?
Thank you! ❤ Right now, besides Mordred crushing on Galahad there's not really more to his romance. And if you're interested about increasing your relationship with him in general - don't worry too much about it, the romance/friendship takes into account all sorts of routes, whether confrontational or friendly (basically I like it when you can challenge a character/disagree with them and it actually increases the relationship points). That said, there are certain choices in chapter 3 that can get him to start seeing Mordred in a different light. Generally the nice/soft/emotional ones, as well as things like telling him you're learning the magic of the Lady of the Lake and even one occasion where you kinda challenge his ideas. Anyway, going to the river with the intention of befriending him should help mellow him a bit!
I'm simply awed by this story. It's been just way too long I have found a game I can actually sit through and read everything that's written there (way too many people think themselves way more interesting than they actually are). I love the complexity of the plot, how all the characters are flawed but also have their own reasons and motives, and oh how I love all of them (except Lot f- him). The relationships between all of them is just so beautiful and I love having the actual power of choice, changing things for real and not just some make believe to please. It's a marvelous work and I love every single thing about it. I'll be waiting excitedly for what the future awaits. Thank you dear author for all the care that has been put, it's quite visible how truly you care for this story - and how well you've made it! Okay, sorry for writing too much, I'll end it here with a big, strong recomendation for everyone to play this one; it is truly one of the worthy ones.
This my favorite game on Itch, no questions asked. My issue right now is when I try to launch the game, it takes me to the folder and I can't figure out how to actually play it. If anyone knows what the problem might be any help would be appriciated!
This issue has me stumped right now so I too would really appreciate if anyone knew! It's really weird cause I've tried it on different devices and browsers and I can open the game fine. I've been trying to search the problem but I haven't found anything yet.
I adore this game! It's been so long since i've stumbled on one that I was so involved in both by the story and the characters ! I wonder though, is it planned to have more options to express anger/hurt toward Accolon in chapter 4 ? There's a few toward Morganna but oddly enough we can't express frustration or any kind of feeling toward Accolon when we can be mad at him for the prophecy
I think its mostly because Mordred is still in shock towards the news, so they spend that moment trying to figure out 1) just how much Accolon knows, or condones and 2) is still trying to figure out how they feel about the event. In chapter 5 however, you're able to decide how you feel about him (though the options you get depend on what you choose your relationship with Morgana to be.) Though I do agree- I would like to have more options to express frustration or our feelings to Accolon after the reveal, though that's probably something best mentioned on the tumblr!
I think you're right, it just struck me as a tad bit odd considering you get to react almost immediately to the first reveal and can express it (may it be forgiveness or anger for a while toward both Accolon or Morganna) but have to wait a while (in game) to take any kind of decision for the second Oh I rarely go to tumblr, I'll go take a look, thanks !
I'll take a look over the conversation you can have with Accolon the next day after the reveal in chapter 4 for any possible reactions/choices to be added!
This is really amazing, honestly. I love how you've taken the story of Mordred, allowed us the freedom to choose how Mordred is, and the incorporation of dragons into the very society of this world. I can't wait for more in the future. I especially want to continue my attempts to thaw Calahad's icy heart and make him Mordred's. xD
I'm unable to open the game at all, no error messages. When I launch the game opens the file explorer window for the game data rather than the game itself.
I wanna say, despite such long updates, I've still always waited for more. Which is somewhat surprising since that means there's something that keeps drawing me in. Maybe it's the fact that there's always a definite way to play Mordred how you want. Maybe it's the inevitable final chapter where chaos is gonna erupt. Anyway, this is awesome and I love how we can play Mordred however we want. Definitely worth every wait
My Mordred can no longer look at Morgana in the eyes after learning the true. Not matter her reason, some things simply cannot be forgiven. In his eye, she is worse than Merlin now. At least he isn't a rapist as far as he know. And she had the nerve call her victim a coward while she is the one who refuse to take responsibility for her action. And she tried to poisoned his image to her son, yet she call Merlin deceptive (don't get me wrong, he is, but she isn't an honest person herself). What an hypocrite! The worse is how Arthur believe he is somehow at fault despite being the victim. Arthur never have time to heal and yet he still try despite Mordred being a reminder of his pain. Its ironic how Morgana is similar to Uther. The use of fear, the lust for power and of course, the rape. She can't realize that Igraine would NEVER approve her actions. I wish my Mordred had the choice to tell her to her face that Igraine would be disgusted by her actions.
I just want to say that this is such a great game, I like the focus on the characters and their relationships. I also think it’s really well written especially how, unlike other games, it feels like Mordred and the others are experiencing actual character development that you can change over time unlike other games where it feels like you have to sick to a specific path because of stats. I can’t wait until Mordred finally meets Merlin and Guinevere, and meets Nimue again since I feel like she will be a very interesting character considering who her father is.
Variables. So many variables. This game takes into account every possible reaction the MC might have to certain events, and it does its damned best to represent it in the game. It doesn't force you to rush against time, grinding stats and relationship points. Bastard of Camelot lets your MC grow with the story. The ones you hate may eventually become the ones most dear to you; the convictions you hold may gradually become a source of doubt. Trust can be broken and hurting yet perserving love can remain. Humans are so rarely straightforward or linear when it comes to their emotions and actions, and BoC does its best to reflect that. Just thinking of all the coding that must have been put into these variations is making my head hurt, but!! I am very grateful!! The amount of character development and personality depth the game allows your MC to have is, quite frankly, insane. And I'm enjoying it very very much!
This might already be known, but in my latest playthrough, I found a bug (I think) in Chapter 4, after finding out the truth and telling Arthur about it. After waking up in his room, I saw this:
"Arthur attempts to offer a sympathetic smile - the sentiment is touching but the result is more of a pained grimace, suggestive of his own anguish/suggestive of him feeling just as horrible as you."
I'm guessing the 'suggestive of X' lines are supposed to be one or the other, not both.
I just want to say... wow, this is great, some of the code could be better optimized, and there's a few grammatical errors, but you make up for that in sheer quantity AND quality of your writing, it has been a long time since I fell for an interactive fiction game, and this one has truly captured me. The entire story is amazing, but I've always loved ones of a darker nature as I found it easier to feel them. Anyways, I just wanted to say that this is amazing and I adore your writing, thank you.
I'm barking shaking rattling my cage, I need to now what happens neowwww!! (no pressure ofc) It's my mandatory llamagirl appreciation comment for giving us tboc.
The confrontation and dragon scenes won me over immediately, I love the judgmental and inconsiderate moments (because 1. Who doesn't like a diverse set of characters with conflicting beliefs and principles??? And 2. It's legit always the most fun route with the best character development, I don't make the rules 🤷🏽♂️) AND It's so fun playing as an optimistic, sensitive, or just overly forgiving MC who shocks him. Or makes him question everything he thought he knew.
Also fellow our life, dead weight, and a word without you fan??!!!! Edit: PROJECT HADEA AND OBSCURA TOO???
Wasn't that random there was no reason for him to show up again yet seeing as he's not Mordreds friend and I'm sure Lancelot wasn't gonna schedule a play date xD
If you talk with Nimue as a friend on the beach she only says Merlin doesn't trust Morgana either, but when you go to the dragon abode with Gawain at the feast and talk about Merlin, it still says "you wonder if she had given him the same warning", which at this point she hasn't done. Just a heads up!
Thank you! I tweaked with the conversation with Nimue in chapter 1 and completely forgot it got referenced later :) Made the edit, will update the demo with it soon!
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i somehow made it so my dragon friend as the same personality as Galahad. and i have the same personality as Galahad's dragon... i dont know how, but i love this outcome.when im going to be able to be a blushing mess in front of Galahad again?
I lost my savess😭Is there a way to get them back???
I think, with the way saves are stored, they can disappear if you cleared your cache? In any case, I don't think there's a way to get them back. But an update is coming soon (by the end of the month) so I would highly recommend replaying when it comes out since I've added/changed some bits as well as tweaked with some variables. (but if anyone doesn't feel like replaying, there's also an added quick-character creation to jump into chapter 5).
No, I haven't cleared my cache, but I checked the other twine fics I have open and apparently, this happened to all of them😭😭It sucks and I don't remember a lot of the characters I played as and the choices made but it is what is
One of the other IF authors posted that Itch.io was changing how things work and that it would affect the saves of all IF games. Unfortunately, if you hadn't saved to disk your saves prior to this change, you'll probably have to replay everything again. From now on, make sure to save to disk as your saves won't be safe.
Hey, you're not the only one with that problem :)
What I did that seems to be working until now is click on the +Add to collection and "save" on your account. After that, all the games choice/interative games like this didn't lose the saves. Hope that helps
So difficult to make Galahad like you and eventually fall in love with you when you are in fact evil and planning on destroying the kingdom of Camelot u–u
Based, I'm trying for a malevolent route, but I can't really find the balance between flippantly helpful, and maliciously antagonistic.
Bruh our mc really got complicated parents. Can't I just not to choose side with any of them and live with my dragons instead? I hate father because how absent he is, but I hate the mother for using us as chess piece. But I love our awesome dad Accolon 💕 😂
Im actually going crazy I NEED MORE OF THIS
This is so good! It makes me want to try all the different responses and selections.
Just found this game and I absolutely adore it.
There's so much detail, so many different responses, that you really can go back, change an answer and there will be a change in what is said next. I love that. Makes me want to play every possible outcome and choice.
I love the different POVs, it's a nice break from being Mordred, who I love but has such awful things happen to them that it's nice to step away and see what the rest of the world is up to.
I cannot wait to read more, I didn't think I'd enjoy playing as a child but I really did, but teenage/adult Mordred is what I've been waiting for and I'm so excited to see what happens!
I've created an account for the first time on this site just to comment this: I've played a lot of IF games over the years, but this is one of the best I've come across. I'd hate to see it abandoned! Keep it going with the good updates! 👍💯
Most people know of Merlin, Morgana and Arthur, if not from legends, then from the different adaptations/movies/tv series they have watched. Yet fewer have any prior deep knowledge of Mordred.
This was a nice find truly, since most of the Wips/games revolve around the three most known figures of Arthurian legends. Following the birth, childhood and later, teenage and adult years, through Mordred's own POV has given me the chance to explore their psyche and complicated relationships with the people around them.
The narrative is a masterpiece. It manages to immerse the reader(me), making me feel all sorts of emotions. The pain, the hurt, the frustration, rejecting others first before they reject you (fear of rejection/abandonment), love for parents, rage at the world.
The interludes, shifting the pov from Mordred to Morgana and/or Arthur, give a better insight on who they are and what they are feeling at the moment of the events happening. You are going to notice how their personalities, both stay true to the legends, and have new traits added by the writer, making them compelling to read. Will have to say that most of the characters, excluding few, are in the grey area, meaning you can decide for yourself whether you like or hate them, if they are villains, normal or heroes for your Mordred.
Probably this wasn't intentional, but, while reading, it's hard to separate myself from Mordred. Feeling what they feel and when choosing options/routes, thinking of them as Mordred's decision and mine too. It doesn't help that the choices are so accurate and diverse enough for all kinds of Mordreds the players create. This is what I call a truly immersive story.
I'll have to add how much I appreciate the author adding and using the other characters from the Arthurian era legends, adding a twist to them in their own way. Those who read the story can educste themselves on this legends and search more about them.
I loved Gareth and Mordred's adoptive father in particular, and am excited to meet Nimue in the next game updates💛
I am confused, in the beginning - Arthur mentions that he and Morgana come from the same womb... but that wouldn't be true. He is not a Le Fey, he is Uther's son but not the son of the woman his father SA'ed. If he were, they'd be full siblings and know about each other. Likely, Uther fathered Arthur with a commoner or an initial wife and then stormed in an assaulted the noblewoman he forced into marriage and had Morgana with her.
No, Morgana is born to a previous father, Uther killed her father and takes her mother as his bride. Arthur is then born to Morgana's mother and is hidden away.
I think they meant that Morgana is a Le Fay due to her father, not her mother. Therefore Arthur cannot be a Le Fay
Arthur and Morgana have the same mother - Igraine - and different fathers - Uther being Arthur's, Gorlois being Morgana's. It's Igraine who is the Le Fay, so the one whose bloodline carries magic; but just having magical blood doesn't ensure one actually has active powers and is thus a sorcerer. So Igraine, Morgana and Arthur are all Le Fay but only Morgana has the magical powers.
Also, while Morgana is not Uther's bio kid, she was legally adopted by him - it's why she thought she had a claim to the throne.
Again, awesome game. I don't really understand what "oblivious romance options" do. How are they different from regular romance options? Maybe there's a subtlety I'm missing since this is not my first language...
English is my first language and I don't know the difference ether.
You the player know that Modred is getting romantic feelings for the character. Modred does not. Its letting you progress a romance without Modred realizing thats what they are doing, presumably culminating in a realization moment.
It's essentially you being shy/oblivious about your own feelings. It's a common thing in IFs like this to provide both a 'bold/direct' and 'shy/oblivious' option, which allows you to form a romance with a character in both ways. This helps for people who want to romance a character but don't want to be a flirt, and the player can still be 'pursuing' a particular character's route, but they are permitted to be shy about it, to be the 'pursued' instead, in some cases.
Hit the nail on the head. I appreciate the options, as I usually don't like to play the obvious flirt. Or I can start with oblivious flirting at the start that progresses to bold flirting once the MC grows more confident in their growing relationship with the other character.
Or in this case, Mordred is still a young kid who hasn't yet hit puberty. Starting to like and be drawn to Galahad, but not yet aware that their feelings are the beginnings of a future romance.
The way I understand it is that the options are meant for MC's who are dense enough not to notice themselves being a naturally-somewhat-subtle flirt.
I think its like when the mc doesn't realize or understand their own romantic feeling for an RO
you are a saint for including a dark mode, bless you
I love IFs and this one has made it into my list. Just wanted to show support as I'm normally a comment lurker.
I don't tend to comment often, but with itch.io being the land of abandoned projects, i feel like i should show some support.
I really do hope you can finish this, i'd hate for it to be another cool game that suddenly stops being updated with the author disappearing completely. They're completely different genres and that one's more of a sandbox, but your game is up there with Trigaea if we're talking interactive fiction on this site, and imo that's the best finished one. You're doing an amazing job.
WOW. I honestly forgot this was a demo?? so good and so polished, I really loved it, but can anyone tell me what choices I have to make to romance Galahad?
Thank you! ❤ Right now, besides Mordred crushing on Galahad there's not really more to his romance. And if you're interested about increasing your relationship with him in general - don't worry too much about it, the romance/friendship takes into account all sorts of routes, whether confrontational or friendly (basically I like it when you can challenge a character/disagree with them and it actually increases the relationship points). That said, there are certain choices in chapter 3 that can get him to start seeing Mordred in a different light. Generally the nice/soft/emotional ones, as well as things like telling him you're learning the magic of the Lady of the Lake and even one occasion where you kinda challenge his ideas. Anyway, going to the river with the intention of befriending him should help mellow him a bit!
holy shit this is so good
Yo a good story with dragons but like the dragon make sense in the society WHAT. (love this one)
I'm simply awed by this story. It's been just way too long I have found a game I can actually sit through and read everything that's written there (way too many people think themselves way more interesting than they actually are). I love the complexity of the plot, how all the characters are flawed but also have their own reasons and motives, and oh how I love all of them (except Lot f- him). The relationships between all of them is just so beautiful and I love having the actual power of choice, changing things for real and not just some make believe to please. It's a marvelous work and I love every single thing about it. I'll be waiting excitedly for what the future awaits. Thank you dear author for all the care that has been put, it's quite visible how truly you care for this story - and how well you've made it! Okay, sorry for writing too much, I'll end it here with a big, strong recomendation for everyone to play this one; it is truly one of the worthy ones.
This is so much fun and I can't wait for more!!
This my favorite game on Itch, no questions asked. My issue right now is when I try to launch the game, it takes me to the folder and I can't figure out how to actually play it. If anyone knows what the problem might be any help would be appriciated!
This issue has me stumped right now so I too would really appreciate if anyone knew! It's really weird cause I've tried it on different devices and browsers and I can open the game fine. I've been trying to search the problem but I haven't found anything yet.
I don't have that problem, when I launch the game it works fine.
I adore this game! It's been so long since i've stumbled on one that I was so involved in both by the story and the characters ! I wonder though, is it planned to have more options to express anger/hurt toward Accolon in chapter 4 ? There's a few toward Morganna but oddly enough we can't express frustration or any kind of feeling toward Accolon when we can be mad at him for the prophecy
I think its mostly because Mordred is still in shock towards the news, so they spend that moment trying to figure out 1) just how much Accolon knows, or condones and 2) is still trying to figure out how they feel about the event. In chapter 5 however, you're able to decide how you feel about him (though the options you get depend on what you choose your relationship with Morgana to be.) Though I do agree- I would like to have more options to express frustration or our feelings to Accolon after the reveal, though that's probably something best mentioned on the tumblr!
I think you're right, it just struck me as a tad bit odd considering you get to react almost immediately to the first reveal and can express it (may it be forgiveness or anger for a while toward both Accolon or Morganna) but have to wait a while (in game) to take any kind of decision for the second
Oh I rarely go to tumblr, I'll go take a look, thanks !
I'll take a look over the conversation you can have with Accolon the next day after the reveal in chapter 4 for any possible reactions/choices to be added!
This is really amazing, honestly. I love how you've taken the story of Mordred, allowed us the freedom to choose how Mordred is, and the incorporation of dragons into the very society of this world. I can't wait for more in the future. I especially want to continue my attempts to thaw Calahad's icy heart and make him Mordred's. xD
I adore the writing of this game! ^^ I can't wait to see what's more to come.
I really enjoy the game, however with the latest update my game crashes to the file screen when I try to open it. Do you have any ideas for a fix?
In what sense do you mean? Are you unable to open the game at all, or does something happen while playing? Are you receiving any error messages?
I'm unable to open the game at all, no error messages. When I launch the game opens the file explorer window for the game data rather than the game itself.
Huh. I could open the game from different browsers, so it seems like an issue on your end. Do you have any add-ons that could be blocking the page?
Great so far.
I wanna say, despite such long updates, I've still always waited for more. Which is somewhat surprising since that means there's something that keeps drawing me in. Maybe it's the fact that there's always a definite way to play Mordred how you want. Maybe it's the inevitable final chapter where chaos is gonna erupt. Anyway, this is awesome and I love how we can play Mordred however we want. Definitely worth every wait
My Mordred can no longer look at Morgana in the eyes after learning the true. Not matter her reason, some things simply cannot be forgiven. In his eye, she is worse than Merlin now. At least he isn't a rapist as far as he know. And she had the nerve call her victim a coward while she is the one who refuse to take responsibility for her action. And she tried to poisoned his image to her son, yet she call Merlin deceptive (don't get me wrong, he is, but she isn't an honest person herself). What an hypocrite! The worse is how Arthur believe he is somehow at fault despite being the victim. Arthur never have time to heal and yet he still try despite Mordred being a reminder of his pain. Its ironic how Morgana is similar to Uther. The use of fear, the lust for power and of course, the rape. She can't realize that Igraine would NEVER approve her actions. I wish my Mordred had the choice to tell her to her face that Igraine would be disgusted by her actions.
I just want to say that this is such a great game, I like the focus on the characters and their relationships. I also think it’s really well written especially how, unlike other games, it feels like Mordred and the others are experiencing actual character development that you can change over time unlike other games where it feels like you have to sick to a specific path because of stats. I can’t wait until Mordred finally meets Merlin and Guinevere, and meets Nimue again since I feel like she will be a very interesting character considering who her father is.
Variables. So many variables. This game takes into account every possible reaction the MC might have to certain events, and it does its damned best to represent it in the game. It doesn't force you to rush against time, grinding stats and relationship points. Bastard of Camelot lets your MC grow with the story. The ones you hate may eventually become the ones most dear to you; the convictions you hold may gradually become a source of doubt. Trust can be broken and hurting yet perserving love can remain. Humans are so rarely straightforward or linear when it comes to their emotions and actions, and BoC does its best to reflect that. Just thinking of all the coding that must have been put into these variations is making my head hurt, but!! I am very grateful!! The amount of character development and personality depth the game allows your MC to have is, quite frankly, insane. And I'm enjoying it very very much!
This might already be known, but in my latest playthrough, I found a bug (I think) in Chapter 4, after finding out the truth and telling Arthur about it. After waking up in his room, I saw this:
"Arthur attempts to offer a sympathetic smile - the sentiment is touching but the result is more of a pained grimace, suggestive of his own anguish/suggestive of him feeling just as horrible as you."
I'm guessing the 'suggestive of X' lines are supposed to be one or the other, not both.
Yes, I must have missed it during editing! Thank you, I'll get it fixed as soon as I can!
I just want to say... wow, this is great, some of the code could be better optimized, and there's a few grammatical errors, but you make up for that in sheer quantity AND quality of your writing, it has been a long time since I fell for an interactive fiction game, and this one has truly captured me. The entire story is amazing, but I've always loved ones of a darker nature as I found it easier to feel them. Anyways, I just wanted to say that this is amazing and I adore your writing, thank you.
i listen to a playlist for this and whenever Galahad appears the song Ga1ahad and Scientific Witchery by Mili starts playing
Galahad fr just dipped for a chapter or two.
Does anyone else listen to music when they play this game?
I personally listen to either: In my room instrumental sped up/looped or song of storms by the super guitar bros :)
OMG I LOVEEEE THIS…I wasn’t expecting to be soooo infested as this was just in my recommendations but I ending up falling in love with the story!!
I'm barking shaking rattling my cage, I need to now what happens neowwww!! (no pressure ofc) It's my mandatory llamagirl appreciation comment for giving us tboc.
I have played this like at least 20 times and stil not tired of it. Very good game
I have been on itch fot 2 years and this is the best game i have ever played
Its been 2 chapters without Galahad WHERE IS POOKIE AT😭
REAL!! I know my favorites be questionable sometimes but his name is literally Galahad so clearly he's the most forgivable asshole in this game 🙏🏽
exactly omg like he could literally do anything and I would forgive him
The confrontation and dragon scenes won me over immediately, I love the judgmental and inconsiderate moments (because 1. Who doesn't like a diverse set of characters with conflicting beliefs and principles??? And 2. It's legit always the most fun route with the best character development, I don't make the rules 🤷🏽♂️) AND It's so fun playing as an optimistic, sensitive, or just overly forgiving MC who shocks him. Or makes him question everything he thought he knew.
Also fellow our life, dead weight, and a word without you fan??!!!! Edit: PROJECT HADEA AND OBSCURA TOO???
Yess I love how shocked he is when the mc is nice and forgiving!! and I literally love those other games I check for updates like EVERY day
Me but I follow every other social the developer has and check those too 🙏🏽
i thought i was alone in my galahad obsession im so glad!!!!
Gally simps unite!
Pookie is showing up halfway through chapter 5 with the rest of the Camelot crew . Dw dw, we're seeing pookie again soon.
finally istg he js randomly disappeared
Lance went to go Propagandize him with Merlin's visions, dw dw he'll appear. Our communal husband was NOT lost at the supermarket.
Wasn't that random there was no reason for him to show up again yet seeing as he's not Mordreds friend and I'm sure Lancelot wasn't gonna schedule a play date xD
he should've come to our birthday party I mean like wheres my birthday kiss and stuff
Lancelot probably made him attend his why Mordred is evil classes
Your comment made me cackle so hard bro
FR im missing the beloved
This is nice.
If you talk with Nimue as a friend on the beach she only says Merlin doesn't trust Morgana either, but when you go to the dragon abode with Gawain at the feast and talk about Merlin, it still says "you wonder if she had given him the same warning", which at this point she hasn't done. Just a heads up!
Thank you! I tweaked with the conversation with Nimue in chapter 1 and completely forgot it got referenced later :) Made the edit, will update the demo with it soon!